Young Digital Leader
of the Year


Digital Leader of the Year | Young Digital Leader of the Year | AI Expert of the Year

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AI Innovation of the Year | Digital Public Service Innovation of the Year | Digital Skills or Talent Initiative of the Year | Geospatial Innovation of the Year | GreenTech Innovation of the Year | HealthTech Innovation of the Year

Digital SME of the Year

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Georgia Collins


I am passionate about using digital to generate valuable insights which can be used to improve the world we live in. At Arup, I enjoy working on large infrastructure and environmental projects and using my digital expertise to help deliver high-quality work for our clients. I am particularly keen to promote the important of ‘where’ and integrate geospatial into all our projects. I am a big proponent of automation and using it to drive efficiencies.
As a young digital leader, I am eager to showcase the power of geospatial and encourage engagement between digital experts in my organisation, in the region more broadly. I am keen to encourage others to foster their digital skills and to play my role in helping drive digital transformation.

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